TELLConsult is a registered, independent consultancy firm initiated and owned by Ton Koenraad. Its general objective is to contribute to quality promotion of Technology Enhanced Lifelong Learning with a special focus on Technology Enhanced Language Learning.
The main activities addressing TELLConsult’s mission are organised by two departments: PROJECTS and TRAINING.
TELLConsult PROJECTS coordinates the definition, development and evaluation of innovative (EU) projects related to Information & Communication Technology in (Language) Education). Its previous and current project participations are in the field of (task design) for Computer and Mobile Assisted Language Learning (CALL & MALL), Educational Telecollaboration, Tablet and touch screen training and research, e-tools for Content Integrated Language Learning (CLIL) and 3D Virtual Worlds for language learning.
In collaboration with (inter)national partners and experts TELLConsult TRAINING coordinates the organisation of courses for the professional development of teachers and teacher educators.
The annual offer of courses - largely based on the results of the projects TELLConsult has participated in - can be consulted here.
TELLConsult’s website and portfolio can be found here:
In addition to various special interest groups and networks TELLConsult’s formal membership includes the following professional organisations:
· The European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL)
· The International language association (ICC)
· The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL)
· The MirandaNet Fellowship
· The EUROVERSITY Association
· The NELLIP Network
The main activities addressing TELLConsult’s mission are organised by two departments: PROJECTS and TRAINING.
TELLConsult PROJECTS coordinates the definition, development and evaluation of innovative (EU) projects related to Information & Communication Technology in (Language) Education). Its previous and current project participations are in the field of (task design) for Computer and Mobile Assisted Language Learning (CALL & MALL), Educational Telecollaboration, Tablet and touch screen training and research, e-tools for Content Integrated Language Learning (CLIL) and 3D Virtual Worlds for language learning.
In collaboration with (inter)national partners and experts TELLConsult TRAINING coordinates the organisation of courses for the professional development of teachers and teacher educators.
The annual offer of courses - largely based on the results of the projects TELLConsult has participated in - can be consulted here.
TELLConsult’s website and portfolio can be found here:
In addition to various special interest groups and networks TELLConsult’s formal membership includes the following professional organisations:
· The European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL)
· The International language association (ICC)
· The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL)
· The MirandaNet Fellowship
· The EUROVERSITY Association
· The NELLIP Network